Sunday, July 31, 2011

Baraza la Waislamu  Norway (Islamsk Råd Norge) limetangaza kuwa mwezi mtukufu wa Ramadhani unaanza  Jumatatu 1.8.2011

Tunawatakia Ramadhani njema wale wote watakaojaliwa kuufunga, Ameen

The language of Christianity

Christianity is like a language with different dialects, and over time some terminology may lose its essential meaning.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Wadenish wakipanda mlima Kilimanjaro - Danes climbing mount Kilimanjaro

Mmmh na wanene Bwana! Hata wakinasa, kazi yao kushambulia tu..

Kwa Waziri wa Mikiki na Makeke,

Uzitoni Street,


Mpenzi Frank,

Unajua wenzako walikupigia picha ukiwa umelala fofofo juu ya benchi? Na wamenitumia? Unataka kuiga vya wanene? Wacha hizo mpenzi wangu. Wengine wanalala shauri ya shibe, wewe shauri ya njaa teh teh teh. Iga ufe nakuambia maana wao wanalipwa posho za kulala, wanalalia posho, wewe utalipwa posho gani?

Lakini pole mpenzi. Najua kutembea mji mzima kila siku ni kazi kubwa. Siyo sawa na kukalia masponji huko. Labda na wanene wangeondolewa masponji yote hayo wasingeshambuliwa na usingizi wa aibu namna hiyo.

Bofya na endelea>>>>

Norway honors victims of terrorist attacks

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Independent commission to review and assess country's security measures after period of national grieving.

Norway to evaluate police response

Jens Stoltenberg, the Norwegian prime minister, has said that an independent commission will be set up to review the response to the recent gun-and-bomb attack that killed at least 76 people. "It's important to clarify all aspects of the attacks to learn lessons from what has occurred," Stoltenberg told a news conference on Wednesday. "This is a national tragedy, an attack on the nation."

Stoltenberg had earlier said that the police reponse and security measures would be reviewed after a mourning period for the victims of the attacks. "(Police) organisation and capacity will be part of an evaluation," he said.

He said he welcomed a debate on security and that he believed the attacks of Friday, July 22, would lead to an increased interest in political activity among Norwegians. "I believe the result of this will be more participation, more political activity," he said.

Breivik has confessed to carrying out both the shooting and the bombing of the government headquarters. Investigators say, however, that because Brievik "probably" had no accomplices, he was "in full control" of the investigation, as the police "don't have any sources".

Police failure
Norway's police and security services have come under fire over the time it took officers to reach the island scene of a gun rampage that killed 68 youths on Friday, hours after a downtown bombing of government offices claimed eight lives. Experts have said the car bomb acted as a decoy, but that the government was insufficiently prepared for the gun attack perpetrated by Breivik. 

International experts said in coming months Norway must re-examine a system premised on the assumption that the country does not face a credible risk of terrorist attack, much less a back-to-back bombing and gun rampage.

Fernando Reinares, former senior anti-terrorism adviser to the Spanish government, said Norway has just suffered "an astonishing failure in police intelligence”. 

He said Breivik should have been identified by a competent anti-terrorist agency because of his purchases of bomb-making ingredients and specialist weaponry. "Norway is behind other Western European countries in adapting internal security structures and procedures to face terrorist challenges," he said.

"But there was also an amazing failure in police preparedness and reaction, both in terms of human resources and technical capabilities."

Frank Cilluffo, director of the Homeland Security Policy Institute at George Washington University, said Norway has just been victimised by the common experience of all countries caught off guard by terror. 

"Their planners suffered a major failure of imagination, to foresee that the adversary could go that far," he said. 

"But this is exactly what every counter-terror policy must do to be effective: to plan and train for worst-case scenarios. Because if you haven't done that before the bomb goes off or the shooting starts, then you're just improvising, and that just increases the dangers."

No helicopter
In Norway's case, the Delta Force squad - whose formal Norwegian name of "Beredskapstroppen" means "emergency unit" - is equipped only to travel to crises on Norway's largely two-lane road network. It took about a half-hour to cover the roughly 40-kilometre journey. Police spokesman Sturla Henriksbo said Norway - which is some 1,750 kilometres long with around 50,000 islands alone - has only one police helicopter, based at an airport north of Oslo. And that helicopter has only four seats: two for the pilots, one for an equipment manager.

"That helicopter is never assigned for the transportation of anyone, never mind Delta Force," he said.

Finn Abrahamsen, a former Oslo policeman who directed the force's violent crimes unit, said Norway could have used that helicopter as a rapid-response platform for a police sniper.

On Friday, however, the police's helicopter pilots were all away on summer leave.

Delta Force could have used an army helicopter, but decided it would take too long to scramble one from the nearest base in Rygge, some 60 kilometres to the south. So they drove, then waited for the tiny local police department to scramble its lone boat, a small rigid inflatable craft. All the while, shooting and screams could be heard from Utoeya Island, only 600 metres away.

'Overloaded vessel'
Within seconds of scrambling on board, officers found themselves having to bail out the overloaded vessel. Then the engine became waterlogged and died.

"Too many policeman wanted to go too quickly to the island," explained Kgell Tvenge, commander of the police base in the nearby town of Honefoss where the boat is docked. "But the boat didn't sink. They got a new boat from a tourist," he said.

Police say within 5 minutes of their reaching the island, Breivik was disarmed and in custody. The killer wrote beforehand that he always planned to surrender as soon as police arrived, so that he could publicise his extreme nationalist and anti-Muslim views in court and inspire copycat attacks elsewhere. 

Andenas, the law professor, said he would have expected Norway's special forces to have trained to reach a nearby popular retreat like Utoeya within 15 minutes, not an hour.

"Many people feel this was a very difficult situation, that one should take account of that and not too be too critical of people who certainly tried to do their best," Andenas said. 

"But it was just not good enough. The police action was too little and too slow," he said. "The cold truth is that many children who died out there should not have died." 

Al Jazeera

Norway PM announces commission to examine attacks

Sunday, July 24, 2011

We send our deepest and most sincere condolences to the friends and family of the innocent victims who lost their lives to this senseless and heinous crime against humanity. Tanzanian Association Oslo (Foreningen for tanzanianere i Oslo/Chama Cha Watanzania Oslo) stands in solidarity with the people of Norway and hope justice will be serve in the shortest period of time.

R.I.P all those people who died at the mercy of this murderous, racist excuse of a human being.

Purported manifesto from Norway terror suspect details war plan

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Norway Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg says the shooting attacks occurred at the same place his political ambitions took root.

CNN's Richard Quest talks to Stine Renate Haheim about being at the youth camp when the rampage started.

Added On July 23, 2011 T.J. Holmes talks with CNN's Nadia Bilchik about the massacre at an island youth camp in Norway. Officials examine political motive for Oslo attacks

Right wing extremists have the potential to carry out as much destruction as groups like al Qaeda, says Matthew Goodwin.

Norway police say the alleged Utoya shooter had extreme right wing views. CNN's Jim Boulden reports.

At least 80 killed in shootings

Anders Behring Breivik (right), the police at his apartment in Skøyen in Oslo.

Government offices downtown Oslo.

(VG Nett) At least 80 people are killed in shootings at a youth camp only hours after a massive bomb blast in central Oslo.
One man has been arrested after the shooting and police see a connection between the two attacks. The suspect is of Norwegian nationality, confirms Norwegian Minister of Justice Knut Storberget.

Several sources confirm; the 
detainee is Anders Behring Breivik, 32.

Late friday night, special forces raided Breiviks apartement in Oslo.

Youth camp

The first reports of shootings on Utøya, an island outside of Oslo, came around 18.25 PM Friday night.

According to a witness the gunman identified himself as a police officer before he started killing people.

Almost 700 young members of the Labour Party was at the island for a youth camp.

Police now confirms that at least 80 people are killed in the shootings at the island.

Police also said they found explosives on the island.


This came only hours after a bomb exploded in a government building in central Oslo at 3.30 PM Friday afternoon.

The explosion killed at least seven people and ten people are seriously injured in the blast, confirms police.

A fake police officer was also seen at this scene.

Surrounding buildings was also affected by the attack. The bomb exploded close to Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg's office. He was not at his office and has not been injured.

Several blocks around the bomb are still evacuated and people are asked to stay away from the city centre.

Premier: - You will not destroy us

- We will find those responsible and hold them accountable, said the Norwegian Prime Minster Jens Stoltenberg at a press conference late Friday.

He also has a message to the people behind the attacks

- You will not destroy us. You will not destroy our democracy or our ideals for a better world.

VG Nett will return with more updates for our international readers.

If you have any questions please use the box under this text.
We answer questions in English as well as Norwegian:

VG Nett

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Best Penalty ever! Awana Diab (UAE) vs Lebanon via backheel

Noti za bandia za kroner 50 ziko mzungukoni!

Noti  bandia za kroner 50 ziko kwenye mzunguko  mitaani. Jihadhari na kuwa makini unaposhika noti ya kroner 50

Wizi wa kupulizia dawa za kulevya kwenye vipeperushi jijini Dar es Salaam

Imewekwa hapa kama ilivyotumwa

Kuna jamaa yangu kama wiki mbili zilizopita, alikuwa anatoka kupata moja mbili kutoka baa moja inayojulikana kama Blackpoint iliyopo mjini kati muda wa saa moja hivi jioni, akaja kijana mmoja alionekana anashida sana ya kutaka kusaidiwa nauli, rafiki yangu akawa msamalia mwema akachomoa noti ya 1000 na kumpatia kijana, rafiki yangu alipokosea ni kumuuliza kijana kwani unaelekea mitaa ya wapi?

Kijana akasema anaelekea kimara, jamaa akasema basi twende nitakuacha manzese maana mimi naelekea Sinza, My friend says the guy dressed very smart and he was looking as a graduate who is for that day alikwama kweli nauli, and you cant even think if he is a criminal.

They started a journey from Posta via Jangwani, alipofika jangwani anasema aliaanza kujisikia kizunguzungu na kichefuchefu na kulikuwa na foleni kali sana . Akaamua alipofika magomeni achepuke kushoto ili apate pumzi kidogo nje, then he did not remember what went on until he found himself hospitali muhimbili akiwa hajitambui na wala hajui gari yake ipo wapi (he was driving a MarkX), na yeye mwenyewe akiwa bado na mawenge.

Jamani zikumbukeni namba za wenzi wenu kichwani, usiku huo mnamo saa saba za usiku alipopata fahamu vizuri alikumbuka namba ya mke wake, akampigia na akaja hapo hospitali. Gari yake iliyokuwa na vitu vyake kama Laptop, bank cards, simu etc havijaonekana mpaka tunavyoongea leo.

Madaktari wanasema, alivuta sumu, sasa swali ni je kwa nini Yule kijana hakudhurika na hiyo sumu hiyo kwa kuwa walikuwa naye mpaka magomeni alipoanza kujisikia vibaya? Au ni wimbi la vijana ambao wanakuwa wanakufuatilia na mmoja wao anajitoa muhanga wa kuvuta sumu hiyo na wengine wanakuwa wanakufuatilia kwa nyuma, na wakishakukamata wanakutupa na kumuokoa mwenzao, which I think it is possible.

Jamani kuweni makini kwa kila unachokubali kukifanya. Maisha ni magumu na wezi wanakuja na kila aina ya mbinu za kuwaibia watu. Na kwa jinisi nilivyodadisi hawa wezi wanakuwa wanakujua unaishi maeneo yapi, kwa maana jibu la kijana huyo la kutaja direction anayoelekea huyo jamaa yangu is something to doubt.

My Friend is fine kiafya but lost important documents including a car WIZI WA KUPULIZIA DAWA ZA KULEVYA KWENYE VIPEPERUSHI JIJINI DAR ES SALAAM

Ndugu wapendwa Kufuatia ugumu wa maisha, kunawizi umeingia Dar es salaam na inawezekana ukasambaa hata kwenye miji mingine mikubwa.

Wizi huo uko hivi

1. Unaweza kupewa kipeperushi ambacho kimepuliziwa dawa na baada ya kupokea aliyekupatia ambaye anajifanya anauza bidhaa anazozitangaza kwenye kipeperushi hicho anakufwatilia kwa nyuma na gari nyingine na kukupora kila kizu baada ya wewe kupotezafahamu. AU

2. Ukiwa unaendesha gari vijana wanakufwata na kukushitua kuwa gari inawaka moto then utafungua dirisha kutaka kuona na pengine kusimama. Watakwambia hakuna kitu vijana wanakudanganya hao.

Ndani ya muda huo mfupi kwa namna ya ajabu ukifungua tu dirisha wanakupulizia madawa yenye radha na harufu kama pipi tamuu na kukufuatilia kwa matumaini kwamba utapoteza fahamu na wao kukunyanganya mali zako including kupora baadhi ya vitu kwenye gari.




Tree used by 'Babu of Loliondo' is nothing new - TAFORI

Carissa Edulis

 Carissa Edulis

A TREE used by the retired pastor Ambilikile Masapila of Samunge, Loliondo, to cure different chronic diseases is available almost in all floristic regions in the country since 1925, a research by the Tanzania Forestry Research Institute (TAFORI) has revealed. 

The Loliondo Ex-pastor, Mr Masapila, announced last year that he had discovered a magical herb capable of treating chronic diseases including HIV, diabetes and cancer. 

The TAFORI Research Assistant, Mr Francis Lwasai, on Sunday said in Dar es Salaam that the tree had been used by different tribes to cure venereal diseases, saying it had been identified by different names. 

''The records in Lushoto Herbarium shows a number of collection of the tree from almost all floristic regions in Tanzania since1925,'' he said. 

Mr Lwasai noted that in 1994 the Lushoto Herbarium Centre conducted a research on the tree which indicated the healing capability of different chronic diseases and that the tree was already in use since 1925. 

He said the tree identified as Carissa Adulis or Carissa Spinarum had been confused with Acocanthera Shimpera which is poisonous, adding that the tree had been used to cure diseases in Asia. 

Mr Lwasai refuted claims that usage of the tree at Samunge could cause environment pollution as only 70 per cent of roots were used by Mr Masapila to produce 60 litres of the medicine and that remained 30 per cent of the roots help the tree to grow. 

However, he advised authorities in Samunge to encourage planting of trees as there was increased demand of fuel wood which would result in environment degradation due to soil erosion.

Daily News of Tanzania.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Ndege ya kivita aina ya Sukhoi 
Su-30MK2 ya jeshi la anga la Uganda

Hii iliruka mara ya kwanza kwenye uwanja wa ndege wa Entebbe, 13 Julai 2010.

Uganda wamenunua ndege sita za kivita za aina ya Sukhoi Su-30MK2. Uganda ni moja ya jeshi la anga lenye ndege za kisasa barani Afrika. Ni tishio kwa nchi za Afrika Mashariki, kwani Kenya na Tanzania zina ndege za kivita zilizobuniwa miaka 50 iliyopita.

Sukhoi SU-30, inajulikana kama Flanker kwa nchi za NATO, ziko modeli mbali mbali. Iliingia kwenye jeshi la anga la Urusi mwaka 1996. Ina kasi ya Mach 2.0 (2,120 km/h, 1,320 mph) na ni ya kisasa au kwa msemo mwingine ni “4.5 Generation of Fighter Jets”. Flanker inafananishwa na Eurofighter Typhoon na F-15E Strike Eagle ya Marekani. 

Rape of men is endemic in many of the world's conflicts

Sexual violence is one of the most horrific weapons of war, an instrument of terror used against women. Yet huge numbers of men are also victims. In this harrowing report, Will Storr travels to Uganda to meet traumatised survivors, and reveals how male rape is endemic in many of the world's conflicts..

Jobs in Norway

The political economy of the investment climate in Tanzania.

Hakuna maendeleo Tanzania licha ya wawekezaji kuwekeza kwa wingi

Ripoti hiyo imeandikwa na Brian Cooksey og Tim Kelsall

Although Tanzania suffers from an imperfect form of liberal democracy and high levels of corruption, it has attracted unprecedented levels of foreign investment over the past fifteen years, and is predicted by the IMF to be one of the fastest growing countries in the world over the next decade. This provides some grounds for thinking that Tanzania represents a case of ‘developmental patrimonialism’, a type of regime that achieves development without conforming to ‘good governance’ orthodoxy.

This Research Report rejects that idea. Drawing links between the management of economic rents and the climate for business and investment, it shows that rent-management in Tanzania remains largely decentralized and undisciplined, with deleterious consequences for investors. In previously fast-growing sectors like mining, investors are increasingly circumspect, while high potential areas like horticulture appear largely ignored. The result is that recent increases in economic growth – which have yet to have a discernible impact on poverty reduction – are likely to be ephemeral. Tanzania, we conclude, is a case of ‘non-developmental patrimonialism’, and its regime is likely to face a mounting legitimacy crisis in coming years.