Day care food stopped

A mouse can be seen in the kitchen, with bags of bread to the right.
Meals for children at an Østfold County day care center are off after the Food Safety Authority found a mouse loose in the kitchen.
During a routine check at the Berger Barnegård day care center in Halden a surprised FSA inspector found a live mouse sitting on bags of bread, and mouse droppings.
"A live mouse was found, and mouse excrement was observed both in the kitchen and in the center. Therefore we have closed two kitchens at the day care center until they can demonstrate that it is clean and mouse-free," FSA section leader Jorunn Aasgaard Grini told
Grini said it was likely that there were several mice, and she personally saw one before the center was closed.
The parents committee at the center were predictably upset and said that there were indications that there had been mice in the facility much of the autumn without anything being done.
"We have immediately taken the necessary steps. We hired a professional exterminator who came to the day care center half an hour after the FSA was there. Necessary equipment has been put out and it will take a few days until the mice are gone," Haakon Stang, the building owner, told, and promised the premises would be disinfected over the weekend.
Jostein Ihlebæk
Aftenposten English Web Desk
Jonathan Tisdall
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