Tuesday, November 13, 2007

“If you are outnumbered you are voiceless, so I raised my voice.”

Everyone wants a piece of him now that he is the winner of BBA 2, but before they get their hands on him, we managed to corner him and ask him a few difficult questions about his time in the House.

BB: How does it feel to be the winner?
Richard: Very exciting, I'm just trying to do my best as the winner.

BB: Is it weird to be out of the House and do you miss it?
Richard: It's odd but good. No I don't miss it but I did enjoy it.

BB: Did you have any kind of strategy and if so what was it?
Richard: No, no strategy. I was just real. I have lot of confidence and I knew I could do it. What you see is what you get.

BB: The Untouchables really tried to push you, especially in the Jacuzzi. Tells us about all that?
Richard: Yes, they tried and I responded. They had their strategy but I would not back down. That's me, if they bring it, I will stand up to it. You have to, otherwise they would keep on coming. I told them enough is enough. I shouted them down. After that they sunk. They were much softer. You could see they left me alone. They tried to push me with my jealousy and it's a problem I know but it's not their problem. If you are outnumbered you are voiceless, so I raised my voice.

BB: Will you be seeing Tatiana outside of the House?
Richard: Honestly, it makes no sense. We both have our own problems at home. We need to sort these things out. But if they cannot be sorted and seeing her helps me then why not? I won't forget her.

BB: You haven't spoken to your wife yet but what feedback has your family given you about the situation, and how do you feel about it?
Richard: It's not good. They (my Family) are not sure if she will see me. She is very hurt, I know this but you cannot force these things, if she will see me then she will see me. If not, what can I do? But I think she will see me and give me a chance to explain about things in the House.

BB: What will you say to her?
Richard: I will try to explain that no one can understand what it is like in the House. You are cut off from everything, it is not real. I had feelings and I'm that kind of guy. I didn't plan to fall in love. I never forgot her though and it hurt me to know that she was being hurt. I'm sorry but nobody can understand.

BB: Do you think that will be good enough for her?
Richard: No, I don't think so.

BB: What did you expect going into the House?
Richard: I thought I would chill with boys, maybe tease the girls a bit. You know just a bit of fun.

BB: When did you know it was starting to get serious with Tatiana?
Richard: When I bought the flowers. That night when we were in the Penthouse that was the hardest. I seriously considered leaving the House. My father always said you start what you finish, you don't abandon it, so I accepted the reality I was in no matter what the cost.

BB: Tell us about that Saturday?
Richard: Okay, this is what I remember. We were drinking. Then I was kissing Ofunneka. I remember the paramedic pulling me out of the room. I then went back I think and jumped in the middle of the bed. Then me and Ofunneka were kissing and stuff. Then Biggie called me, I think twice. I think I kissed the paramedic and then went to the Diary room. Biggie locked me in and I passed out. I might have mixed stuff up, but I think that's how it happened.

BB: There has been a lot of controversy about that day, tell us your feelings?
Richard: I was very drunk, I think a lot of people have done these things, I just did them in front of a camera. It was wrong but I'm not a bad person. I don't know what to say. I'm human.

BB: You're a celebrity now, you're sure to have a number of female fans throwing themselves at you, how will you cope with this?
Richard: I don't know how I will act in the future, but I like to think I will be good. I just want to focus on my career.

BB: Tells us about your plans for the future?
Richard: Well As I've said I want to make movies. Hopefully BB has given me exposure and obviously the money will help. Maybe you will come and watch a Richard Bezuidenhout picture in the future. I want to do it properly, professionally. I am very serious and passionate about this.

BB: What are you going to do with the money?
Richard: I'm going to use it to further my career.

BB: You mentioned charity, will you give some away?
Richard: No I never mentioned charity. I will use it for my career and then see.

BB: What was the best part of the show?
Richard: I think the fake nominations. We had no idea. When they came back it was completely unexpected, we all thought they had been evicted.

BB: How about the moles?
Richard: I knew from the first moment. They were all in awe of us like they had just arrived and were amazed by us. Also they weren't dynamic enough to get this far. There was no way they would be winners. And Victor started straight away on my jealousy. It was all too convenient.

BB: Was it good to see the other Housemates and is there any resentment?
Richard: Yes it was nice, I especially enjoyed seeing Bertha. We fought at times but I felt she had no bitterness towards me. I have no resentment. It's just a game.

BB: On a lighter note did you shower today?
Richard: No, I didn't, there was no time.

BB: There was no time or there were no cameras? Remember, we all watched you say that you hate showering and once you went 12 days without cleaning.
Richard: Aaaaah dog no way, you were watching that ah. What can I say?

From Big Brother Africa: Richard: Uncut and Uncensored.

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