Memoir insults Muslims
The autobiography of outspoken Progress Party politician Carl I. Hagen "Ærlig talt" - Speaking Honestly - has offended Norwegian Muslims.Related stories: |
Few escape insults - 01.11.2007 |
A passage where the controversial Hagen calls the prophet Mohammed a warlord, man of violence and abuser of women has, unsurprisingly, caused offense.
"That the Islamic council is disappointed and angry and furious is as expected. I had more or less counted on this to happen when I wrote that," Hagen told newspaper Vårt Land.
Norway's Islamic Council asked Norwegian Muslims to refrain from reacting to Hagen's book.
Hagen's remarks come in connection with the massive trouble linked to the publication of caricatures of the prophet Mohammed.
Hagen writes that the government's handling of the matter led to freedom of speech "taking a back seat to respect for the warlord, man of violence and woman abuser Mohammed, who murdered and accepted rape as a method of conquest".
"If one puts religious feelings high, one cannot remain indifferent to such talk," said Islamic Council Norway leader Senaid Kobilica to Vårt Land.
The council is now working on a statement taking exception to Hagen's remarks and asking Norwegian Muslims not to react in an unsuitable way.
Hagen's memoirs has also received attention for the denigrating comments rained over most of Norway's leading politicians.
From Aftenposten.
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