Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The war in the

Democratic Republic

of Kongo

Uganda arming

Congolese rebels

says Indian Ocean


A newspaper which normally carries intelligence on African countries has said that Uganda is arming the group of Banyamulenge fighters currently causing havoc in eastern Congo.

The Indian Ocean Newsletter said that that the UN peacekeeping mission in Congo MONUC believes that General Laurent Nkunda's forces are getting weapons from Uganda via a supply line in the south of Lake Albert.

See a sample of the story here:-

Kampala still rocking the boat
The officials of the United Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUC) believe that the rebels in the Front pour la Justice au Congo (FPJC), which launched a series of successful offensives against the DRC army at the beginning of October, are getting their arms via Uganda, south of Lake Albert.

Recently in the report on the death of Jean Kajura the daughter of NRM minister Henry Kajura that Saracen security company owned by General Salim Saleh is the main supplier of military wares to General Nkunda.

The source in Uganda said, in April this year that General Nkunda had been seen in Kampala him with the Inspector General of Police Major General Kale Kayihura.

General Nkunda (photo above) had come to collect a double cabin pickup which the Museveni government gave him to help his operations in eastern Congo. Nkunda then returned to Congo through Kabale in southwest Uganda.

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