Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Do you fear forced marriage?

A forced marriage is a marriage contracted without the free and valid consent of one or both parties.

Pressure, threats and physical or mental violence are often used to force somebody into marriage. Coercing somebody into getting married against their own will is a violation of human rights as well as of Norwegian law.

If you fear being forced into marriage against your will while you are on holiday, in your parents’ country of origin or in other countries, we advise you not to travel. It may be difficult for Norwegian authorities to help you abroad.

Keep in mind that you may submit your passport to the police if you do not wish to travel out of Norway.

Rules of precaution before you leave

If you still travel abroad, you should:

Contact an adviser, teacher, school nurse or somebody else you trust for advice and counselling.

· Leave your contact details such as name, address and your telephone number abroad with

somebody in Norway.

Leave photocopies of your passport and other ID documents with your school or workplace, and arrange for them to contact the police if you are not back by an agreed date.

Inform the police or the child welfare services where you live about your situation. You can give them copies of your passport and other ID documents, and make an agreement for assistance. If you are not back by an agreed date, the authorities will be able to react.

Bring along extra money and a copy of your passport on the trip.

Write down the telephone number of the Norwegian embassy in the country you are going to visit, so that you may get in touch if you are suddenly in the need of assistance. If there is no Norwegian embassy in the country to which you are travelling, you may contact the embassy in a neighbouring country. You may inform the embassy of your situation before you leave.

The website lists the websites of all Norwegian embassies and consulates abroad. There you will find relevant telephone numbers and e-mail addresses.

More information at

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