Thursday, January 07, 2010


The highest recorded consumption of electricity ever

The severe cold spell over large parts of Norway over the past weks has led to a high consumption of electricity, with a record peak on Wednesday, according to figures from Statnett.
Between 09:00 and 10:00 on Wednesday morning, Norwegians consumed 24 million Kilowatt-hours. This is the highest recorded consumption of electricity ever, and around 30 per cent above the consumption on a normal winters day.
It must be emphasised that this is not a problem and that the power system still has surplus capacity. "As long as we avoid major faults, the high consumption is not a problem. Cold weather also means calm weather, and we therefore expect things to remain under control the coming days," says Statnett Vice President Communications Tor Inge Akselsen.

Source: NRK/Press Release

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