Sunday, August 25, 2013

Mualiko wa siku ya Watanzania mjini Stockholm, Septemba 7, 2013

The Tanzanian National Association in Sweden                         

Dear Sir/ Madame,

The Tanzanian National Association in Sweden would kindly like to invite you to a Tanzanian day event, taking place on September the 7th at 15:00-21:00
Tanzania House, Näsby Allé 6 Täby.

We would like to take this opportunity to gather our friends in Sweden to celebrate our newly established organization.

Your participation is essential for a successful event and to strengthen our alliance. The aim is to gather those who are interested in Tanzania and its development. We believe this will contribute in the long run to archive our objectives, supporting Tanzanians in Sweden and back home.

We are looking forward meeting you on September the 7th!

The Tanzania National association secretary,

Angela Wilbard

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