Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Two detained by

Police in

Dar es Salaam


contributors to

Jambo Forums

The interrogations of the two young Tanzanians who are under detention has been described as bordering major violations of individual liberties and human rights. One of the main source of this news at Police Headquarters where the two Jambo Forums contributors are being held described the techniques used to be similar to those used by "the CIA at the Guantanamo Bay Prison".

The two young men were taken by the security forces few days ago and one of them was used as a bait for the other. The Police force believe that Mike Mushi and Mac DeMello n are the main shareholders of the famous and addictive Jambo Forums.

Since their detention under the powers of the infamous Prevention and Detention Act they have been held without bond and in communicado. Jambo Forums a public, non-partisan and non-ideological forum has been at the forefront of exposing corrupiton in the public sector and by the governement officials. The Jambo Forum Motto "Where we dare to talk openly" has led more than 2000 members to exchange news, informations and ideas publicly through
the new technology. It was Jambo Forums that made the Buzwagi Contract and Richmond Contract available to the public through the internet.

Some members of the ruling party and some government officials attribute the recent resignation of the Prime Minister and the subsequent dissolution of the Cabinet to be partly the result of this forum. Few minutes ago the forum went down and no one knows for sure why or it is part of the governemnt efforts to muzzle free press in Tanzania and by Tanzanians. KLH News is calling all Tanzanians world wide to stand for the freedom of speech and information by calling

the Director of Criminal Investigation Mr. Robert Manumba - 754-206326 and the

Inspector General of Police Mr. Said Mwema 787-444433

to charge the two young men or release them immediately. KLH News is organizing a legal defence team led by Attorney Tundu Lissu. For anyone who would like to contribute to this fund please donate through KLH News using your paypal account, credit card or debt card.

Latest News: They have been released

For any other information of how you could help please

The Editor in Chief


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