Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Education for All –

High Level Group

Meeting in Oslo

The High-Level Group meeting is an annual event that brings together top-level representatives from government, development agencies, UN agencies, civil society and the private sector. Its role is to reinforce political will in order to accelerate progress towards Education for All, strengthen partnerships, identify priorities and mobilize more resources.

    Against the backdrop of the financial crisis, participants in this year’s Eighth High-Level Group meeting (Oslo, Norway, 16 to 18 December) will put forth concrete recommendations that focus on four broad themes: the role of education in meeting global challenges; equity and governance; teachers and financing education.

    Taking place in a donor country, this meeting sends a powerful signal to the international community on the urgent need for more sustained and effective support to basic education.

    According to the EFA Global Monitoring Report 2009 that will inform the meeting, persistent inequalities based on income and gender must urgently be addressed in order to achieve EFA. Improved governance, higher national spending and increased international support to basic education are keys to reaching the most disadvantaged.

    This High-Level Group meeting is hosted by UNESCO and the Government of Norway. Practical information concerning accommodation reservations, visa arrangements and other logistics can be found on the following site: All invited participants are urged to make visa arrangements as soon as possible.

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