The Free Open Source Software (FOSS) development approaches, as well as the justifications for using FOSS in the infrastructure domain where users are developers, are inherently problematic when applied to the Information Systems (IS) domain in developing countries. This thesis presents a theoretical and empirical informed analysis of FOSS development in IS using cases from the health and education sectors in Tanzania. It focuses on the interplay between the socio-technical conditions of IS in developing countries and the FOSS development approach. The objectives were to illuminate the design-reality gaps in FOSS development in the context of developing countries. The research design was based on participatory action research.
Three archetypal situations that exacerbate the reality of FOSS implementation in developing countries were identified as developer – sponsor, global developer – local developer, and local developer – local user gaps. The thesis recommends that, implementing FOSS in IS requires substantial investment on localising the software, training users, and developing support networks. The advantage of FOSS development in developing countries centres on the formation of sustainable collaborative networks through sharing of software and knowledge. These networks are important in helping a developing country to support the day to day customisation and managing of FOSS products. The core concept of FOSS is that full access to software source code must be granted in order to give individuals the freedom to create, use and distribute software. It emphasises the logic of non-discrimination to create conditions for free action and thought. This makes FOSS to be reminiscent to the Ujamaa policy of Tanzania which argues for all members of the society to have equal rights and equal opportunities.
Dear Juma Lungo Hemed, it is your time to shine may our almight God gives you strength and wisedom on your PHD defense, YES YOU CAN, as Obama did.....
all the Best
Regards Daniel Alex Njagamba (your student udsm 2005 computer science)
Dear Juma,
congratualtions fod doing us proud with your work which is very relevant to us Tanzanians. Upon return home, you are welcome to put your work to action by joining the teaching staff Dar es Salaam Institute of Technology (DIT) which by end of 2009 would be a centre of excellence in ICT in Tz.
Eng. Dr Richard Joseph Masika,
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