Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Papa na Nyangumi:

nani atawavua


Hii imenyofolewa kutoka TANZANET
kuingia na kusoma jumbe, lazima uwe

Katika bahari, kuna samaki wakubwa wawili, Papa na Nyangumi. Samaki hawa wanaogopewa kwa kuwa ni wakubwa na wana uwezo wa kudhuru kila kilicho karibu yao. Tumeshasikia simulizi nyingi za watu kuuawa na kuliwa na Papa Yule anayeitwa kwa Kiingereza Great White, tunajua kuwa Nyangumi ni mkubwa kama Lori la Scania na mlo wake ni mkubwa.

Lakini pamoja na sifa zote za hawa samaki, bado Mwanadamu ana uwezo wa kuwavua kama samaki wengine, kwa kutumia mitego mikubwa na maarifa kuwazidi akili. Kwa hiyo dhana ya kuwa Papa na Nyangumi hawawezi kuvuliwa ni batili! Wanavulika kirahisi tuu, na hivyo ubabe wao ndani ya Bahari hauna nguvu yeyote pale panapokuwa na dhamira ya kuwavua!

Kwa muda wa wiki mbili hivi, Taifa letu limekumbwa na malumbano kati ya Wafanyabiashara kadhaa, wakinyoosheana vidole vya nani kati yao ndie mhujumu au fisadi, nani kati yao ni Papa na Nyangumi amb aye hula kila kilichomo baharini.

Nasi kama Taifa, tumegeuka na kuyumbishwa na malumbano hayo, kama ushabiki wa Simba na Yanga.

Lakini katika haya yote yanayosemwa na kudaiwa kati ya wafanyabiashara hawa, Mchungaji anajiuliza, je wale wenye Mamlaka ya kulinda Sheria na Haki Tanzania wako wapi? Je wamekaa mguu pande wakipagawa kutokana na mlipuko wa mabomu Mbagala? Au Wanatahayari kutokana na Rais wa Zanzibar Karume kushindwa kuhudhuria sherehe za kuadhimisha miaka 45 ya Muungano?

Kinachonishangaza mimi ni jinsi kila mmoja wa hawa wafanyabiashara wakubwa nchini mwetu alivyo na habari kuhusu mwenzake. Kila mmoja wao anajua undani wa biashara za mwenzake mpaka nambari za akaunti za Benki au mkopo jambo ambalo kwa mujibu wa kanuni za Kibenki, ni kati ya Benki na Mteja au Serikali pindi inapokuwa inafanya upelelezi.

Bwana Mengi, alianzisha hii Sandakalawe, akatamka kuna Mafisadi Papa, akawataja majina, sikumbuki ni ushahidi wa namna gani aliutoa, lakini alitaja majina na watu wa Serikali na Chama Tawala, wakakasirika. Si mara ya kwanza kwa Reginald Mengi kutoa tuhuma kubwa namna hiyo, ni jambo ambalo kalifanya miaka nenda rudi.

Waliotuhumiwa na Mengi, nao wakarudi mapigo, Maji kafungua kesi ya madai, somaiya anajiandaa kufungua kesi, lakini Rostam Aziz akaamua kumjibu Mengi kwa kutumia mkutano wa waandishi, ambapo alitoa vielelezo vingi kana kwamba yeye ndiye benki zilizotoa mkopo kwa Mengi au yeye ndiye Serikali mwenye mamlaka kumchunguza Mengi kama si mkusanyaji madeni aliyeombwa akamate mali za mengi zitaifishwe.

Kilichonishangaza sana ni katika orodha ya Rostam ya kuutaja Unyangumi wa Mengi, alitoa maelezo ya kina ya mambo ambayo Mengi alikumbana na ama wafanya biashara wenzake au waliomo Serikalini pale Mengi alipolalamika kuwa kadhulumiwa au hakutendewa haki.

Rostam kawataja Lowassa, Mramba, Masha, Manji, Somaiya, na Malima kati wengi aliodai wamefanyiwa visa na Mengi kama vile wameonewa, kinachonishangaza kwa hawa sita waliotajwa kuonewa, wao wenyewe hawana rekodi nzuri na wanatuhuma nyingi mno ambazo mpaka leo hazijatatuliwa.

Najiuiliza tena, inakuwaje leo Mtuhumiwa mkuu wa Ufisadi, ushahidi wake ni kuwataja watuhumiwa wenzake na si kujisafisha yeye kwanza?

Kitendo cha kuwepo kwa Masha katika orodha ya Rostam kujitetea au kumuumbua Nyangumi, kina nipa tatizo, Masha ambaye ni waziri wa Mambo ya Ndani, ana uwezo mkubwa sana kisheria kufanya alilofanya Rostam kwa kutamka wazi masuala binafsi ya Kibenki kama akaunti namba, na si Rostam.

Swali linakuja tena, Rostam alipata wapi namba za akaunti za Mengi? Je mabenki yote ambayo Mengi alikopa ni mali ya Rostam?

Nikigeuka kwa Mengi, naye katoa tuhuma nyingi, kana kwamba ana ushahidi tosha. Lakini hata pamoja na kuwa Rostam hana mamlaka yeyote (huenda anayo, ni mjumbe wa Kamati Kuu ya CCM!), lakini madai ya Rostam kuhusu vitendo vya mengi si ya kupuuziwa hata kidogo!

Je Mengi pamoja na kudai kalipa madeni , iweje kila siku yeye ndiye analia moto, samba na nyuki? Kwa nini Mengi anakuwa mzito kuwajibika inavyopaswa, kama kulipa madeni au kutojiingiza katika vitendo vichafu huku akijifanya ni mtakatifu?

Nashukuru hawaPapa na Nyangumi wanajitoa hadharani tuwaone, lakini lengo langu leo ni kuuliza, wale wenye mamlaka ya kuongoza nchi yetu wako wapi?

Mabenki yanafanyia usailiwa kihasibu, ni lini yamemfikisha Mengi mahakamani kwa kushindwa kulipa mikopo na kukimbilia kuuza habari za Mengi kwa Rostam?

Je Serikali yetu iko wapi? Tuhuma hizi kutoka kila upande ni kubwa sana na si za kupuuziwa, je Serikali yetu imefanya nini kupata ufumbuzi wa mambo haya ya uhujumu uchumi wan chi yetu yanaofanywa na Papa na Nyangumi?

Ni lini Serikali itakuwa mvuvi stadi iweze kuwavua hawa samaki wakubwa wanaosemekana ni hatari? Ili tuweze kula nyama zao na mafuta yao kututengenezea mishumaa na sabuni?

Tumechoka kusikia maigizo na ngonjera, tunataka Serikali inayofanya kazi, Serikali itakayohakikisha kuwa mazingira ya haki na sheria yanafuatwa na kuthaminiwa na kila mtu aliye ndani na nje ya nchi yetu.

Ni aibu sana kusikia malumbano kama haya, na cha kujiuliza ni hivi, ikiwa haya tunayoambiwa ni ya Mengi , Rostam, Somaiya, Manji na wachache, je Wafanyabiashara wengine wote nao ni mchezo huo huo? Je leo tutashangaa Benki zetu kushindwa kufanya kazi kutokanana mikopo isiyolipwa kutokana na mianya iliyotengenezwa kukidhi mahitaji ya Wafanyabiashara mashuhuri? Leo hii pesa zinapohujumuwa Benki Kuu na kila mtu anakana, na mpaka Taifa linagundua tunaingia hasara, ni wajibu wa nani kuhakikisha kuwa tabia kama hizi haziendelei?

Je tunamwambia nini Mtanzania mfanyakazi na Mkulima ambaye kila siku anavuja jasho na akitaka kuinua ubora wa maisha yake, hata kupata mkopo kulipia matibabu, elimu ya watoto, kujijengea nyumba, kununua gari, kununua zana za kilimo na pembejeo au kupata mtaji wa kujianzishia biashara, Mtanzania huyu anapigwa dana dana na kunyimwa mkopo, lakini tuna kundi la watu maarufu ambao wakiingia Benki au kupiga simu tu, mkopo unatolewa bila masharti na malipo ni mpaka siku watakapoamua kulipa?

Imekuaje tumefika hapa tulipo ambapo tuna taifa la wanaojifanyia kila wanalotaka kutokana na nguvu na umaarufu wao na si kufuata kanuni na maadili?

Serikali ambaye ni Mvuvi Mkuu, nasubiri kauli yako rasmi itakayoandamana na vitendo na si manung’uniko ya chini chini kama ya Sophia Simba!

Revolutionary Right Reverend Kishoka

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What an investor says about Mengi Family.

Few in Tanzania are unaware of the issues surrounding the conduct of Benjamin Mengi against British investors Stewart Middleton and Sarah Hermitage and their Tanzanian staff in his criminal attempt to re-gain the lease to Silverdale & Mbono Farms which his Fiona Tanzania Ltd sold in May 2004 and the deliberate campaign of criminal liable and defamation promoted by his brother Reginald Mengi using IPP Media.
Benjamin Mengi and his wife Millie, unlawfully keeps a herd of cattle on Silverdale Farm refusing to remove them. In early 2006, Mr. Middleton and his wife had to suffer the appalling sight of Mengi�s cattle dying from neglect and Foot & Foot Mouth disease with infected carcasses deliberately left unburied around the couple�s house. Mengi continues to use the animals as a means of harassment and intimidation and of destroying Mr. Middleton�s commercial interests in Tanzania. The Tanzanian authorities have ignored and condoned this criminal action by Mengi for four years.
On the 31st January 2007, Salim Habib (employed by Mengi to tend his cattle, present on the farm as a trespasser and refusing to leave) deliberately drove a herd of forty of Mengi�s cattle into a plot of Maize grown for export on Silverdale Farm causing $10,000 of destruction.
When approached by Silverdale staff, Habib became violent and wielding a Machete, threatened to kill Technical Manager Able Ng�oja. The man was apprehended by farm staff and handcuffed in full compliance with laws of Tanzania. The police were called but failed to attend for four hours. The Police arrived two hours later accompanied by Benjamin Mengi. Salem was handed over to Inspector Janet from the Moshi Police who took Habib into custody. Inspector Janeth on arrival in Moshi town immediately released Habib and escorted him to the District Police Station in Moshi where he opened criminal charges of assault against the Silverdale staff that had lawfully detained him.
Benjamin Mengi, not present at the scene stated to reporters from IPP Media (Jackson Kimambo) that British Investor Stewart Middleton had incited his staff to beat Mr. Salem. IPP Media publication the Guardian printed the following day, the fact that the men had been arrested and that Stewart Middleton stood by and watched as Habib cried for his life. This was a deliberate act of criminal liable by IPP Media the CEO of which is Reginald Mengi, Benjamin Mengi�s brother. No right of reply was offered to Middleton.
The four staff, all key staff for the investors farming operation, Able Ng�oja (Technical Manager), Macel Kaishe (security Manager), Edward Swai (Farm Manager) and Swalehe Rajabu (Irrigation Manager) were asked to attend Moshi Police station the next day and give witness statements. On completion of their statements, the men were told that the statements they had given were not in fact witness statements but they were statements �under caution� with reference to a complaint of assault by Mr. Habib against them. None of the men were formally arrested, cautioned or given legal representation in abuse of the penal Code of Tanzania. This corruption was instigated by Benjamin Mengi and Inspector Janeth together with the Regional Police Commander Lucas Ng�hoboko
The Director of Criminal Investigation on being apprised of these facts stated that the men had indeed, not been formally arrested and charged and instructed that there was no evidence against the men. Surprisingly, Salim�s brother, Omari, not present at the incident was charged for an offence of damage in respect of the incident.
Mengi boasted for weeks, that he would place the men in prison by any means whatsoever. In July 2007, Benjamin Mengi (not present at the incident) asked the police to re-open the case; they declined stating their investigation was completed. Mengi then sought the assistance of State Attorney in Charge in Moshi, Juma Ramadan, a close friend of Mengi�s (and an overtly corrupt government officer) to prosecute the case regardless of the decision of the police. Juma agreed.
On Juma�s instructions, the four men were again asked to attend Moshi police station by the Regional Crime Officer and on arrival, they were immediately taken before the court and asked to plead to charges once again of the assault of Salim Habib. They had not been cautioned charged or formally arrested. Their rights under the Constitution of Tanzania were again abused. On the 25th January 2008, all four men were sentenced to six months imprisonment with the prosecutor seeking the severest possible punishment to �teach the men a lesson�.
At the trial, no prosecution witnesses were called stating they had seen Habib assaulted by the accused. All the prosecution witnesses stated they were not present at the scene of the alleged assault. Conversely, six witnesses called by the defence gave direct evidence of the fact that Salim was not assaulted by the accused and did in fact commit the serious offence of malicious damage and was lawfully detained and handed over to the police.
To sum up, the prosecution of the men was a viciously corrupt act orchestrated by Mengi�s bribery of the police, the state attorney�s office and Principle Magistrate Du Du. The prosecution was a complete travesty of justice bringing shame on Tanzania and the Tanzanian legal system.
After sentencing, the British Government was told by the Director of Prosecutions that the clearly corrupt judgement would be addressed and rectified by him personally. This was not affected and to date, Magistrate Du Du has not produced the official ruling of the case in order for the men to appeal.
The full judgment by Dudu taped in the courtroom can be heard here on Wikileaks and shows clearly that Dudu sent the men to prison in abuse of law. He remains in his post in Moshi, as do all those named in this article.
The investors were driven out of Tanzania in February 2008 by Mengi�s threats to kill them. Despite a report conducted by the PCCB and a statement to the British government by PCCB Chief Edward Hoseah, that the lease to the farms lawfully belonged to the British investors, Mengi has been allowed to invade Silverdale Farm and steal all of the property belonging to the investors. This action has been facilitated by the corruption of Regional Police Commander Lucas Ng�hoboko and Regional Crime Officer Linus Sinzumwa who are actively assisting Mengi in his crimes.
Described by British M.P. Roger Gale as a small time cheat, Benjamin Mengi�s criminal activity appears to be supported by the Tanzanian government in that nothing is done to apply the rule of law to his conduct.

Those engaged in high level corruption in support of Mengi�s theft of the lease to Silverdale & Mbono Farms are particularly but not exclusively, as follows: -
Regional Crime Officer Moshi Linus Sinzumwa Regional Police Commander RPC Lucas Ng�hoboko Police Inspector Janet Fraud Officer Mshana Regional Commissioner Babu IPP Media Reginald Mengi Magistrates Du Du, Mkisi, Herbert, Temu, Nyere State Attorney�s Office State Attorney Juma District Land and Housing Registry Officer Nkya Avocates Lymambo, Jonathan, Msunga, Sandi.

The question must surely be asked, why doesn�t the Tanzanian government apply the rule of law to Benjamin Mengi�s criminal conduct?
Who rules Tanzania? Well in Moshi, clearly, the Mengi family.
6th June 2008.