Saturday, July 04, 2009

Bring Renalde Kamanzi

Nduwayo back to Norway!

People are not illegal

Mr. Renalde Kamanzi Nduwayo. Photo by Odd Iversen/NRK

Peoplepeace is a network of volunteers working for the rights of asylum seekers and immigrants who are being expelled from the Kingdom of Norway after long periods in the country.

The network was founded on the 13
th of June 2009 in Oslo as a direct protest to the Norwegian government's treatment of Mr. Renalde Kamanzi Nduwayo. Following his forced deportation to Rwanda, he was in custody at the Remera Policie Station in Kigali from May 30th to June 17th. He is currently in Kigali as an undocumented illegal immigrant.

Peoplepeace is very concerned about the way the Norwegian Government has organized, treated and handled Nduwayo's unwanted transfer to Kigali, Rwanda. This seems to have resulted in a deadlock situation where no state wants to take responsibility for him. We find it unacceptable that an asylum application in Norway results in a person being forcefully deported to illegality in a country not his own.

On a more general level, we are also concerned by the fact that deportation proceedings remain very closed from outside scrutiny, with a minimum of openness in regard to what actually takes place.

If you would like to participate to protest this case, please copy the following information (click here), print out, sign and send copies to

Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion/ Arbeids-
og inkluderingsdepartementet
22 24 87 11,

The National Police Immigration Service
Politiets Utlendingsenhet
(PU, Fax: + 47 22 34 24 30,

The Royal Norwegian Embassy in Kampala
(Fax: +256 41 4343936,

Rwanda Directorate General of
Immigration and Emigration,
Fax: +250 252 585292,

Protest information here to E-mail or fax

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