Friday, July 17, 2009

Norway's embassy in Djakarta

closed by explosion

Hotel Marriot Jakarta.

Norway's Embassy in the Indonesian capital Djakarta has been closed after Friday's explosion in Hotel Marriott next to the embassy building. One Norwegian was injured in the blasts which killed 11 people and injured more than 40.

In addition to the Marriott Hotel, the Hotel Ritz-Carlton was also heavily damaged by a second blast. The two explosions are seen as terrorist attacks, according to the reports.

The Norwegian woman, a guest of one of the hotels, escaped with only minor injuries, according to Deputy Director Ragnhild Imerslund of the Norwegian Department of Foreign Affairs.

The Norwegian Embassy has been evacuated, and will be closed Friday, but will be relocated to another building as soon as possible, Immerslund says.

The other Nordic embassies have also been evacuated, NRK reports.

Source: NRK/Norway Post.

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