Sunday, July 19, 2009

U.S. Embassy Tanzania is

now on Facebook, become a

Fan to get the latest updates

U.S. Embassy Tanzania has joined the Web 2.0 revolution by launching its own Facebook Page. Many U.S. Embassies around the world are using Facebook as a way to facilitate two-way communication with the public about important topics such as U.S. Foreign Policy and Embassy activities. With the launch of U.S. Embassy Tanzania’s Facebook page now Tanzanians have a forum where they can contribute to the discussion as well.

U.S. Embassy Tanzania’s Facebook page can be found by searching Facebook for “Embassy Tanzania,” or by directly accessing the following URL:

The page now has links to information related to President Barack Obama’s recent visit to Ghana, including the text of the entire speech translated into Swahili. The Facebook page will be regularly updated with important information of interest to Tanzanians, and Facebook users in Tanzania and around the world are invited to view and participate in the online discussions.

Net-savvy users who have a Facebook account are also invited to become a Fan of the U.S. Embassy Tanzania’s Facebook Page by clicking the “Become a Fan” button at the top to interact with other Fans and receive the latest updates from the Embassy!

Look forward to other high-tech offerings from the U.S. Embassy in the future.

Courtsey of the US Embassy in Dar es Salaam

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