Thursday, April 15, 2010


Foreign students should apply before 1 June

All correctly completed study applications that are submitted before 1 June will be processed before the start of the academic year in August.

Last updated 15.04.2010
Published 15.04.2010

- We wish to enable foreign students to start the autumn semester in August on a par with other students, says Karl Erik Sjøholt, Director of the Managed Migration Department at the Directorate of Immigration (UDI).
Apply as soon as possible
It is important that students submit their applications as soon as possible after they have been admitted to an approved educational institution, preferably before 1 June. The application must contain all the required documentation to avoid delays in case processing times.

The UDI is collaborating with educational institutions to provide information to foreign students about what they must do to be able to study in Norway. Representatives of more than 30 universities and university colleges attended an information meeting about admission for foreign students just before Easter. Most were keen to learn about the new rules that were introduced in connection with the new Immigration Act, the requirements that apply in order to be granted a residence permit as a student, how the UDI processes this type of application and case processing times. 
Requirements of the student
To be granted a study permit, the student must have been admitted to a full-time study programme at an approved educational institution. He or she must also have a place to live and be able to finance the stay. 

The UDI requires that the student has own funds corresponding to the Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund’s rates. The amount is NOK 89,000 per year. The money must be deposited in a Norwegian bank account in the applicant’s name, or in an account established by the educational institution for this purpose.

Read more about the admission requirement

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