Saturday, May 23, 2009

Kenyan coach in juju

dispute in Zanzibar

Malindi`s  Kenyan coach Hussein Kheri has been suspended by the club’s leadership after allegedly refusing to co-operate with some officials who wanted to use juju in a bid to win premiership matches.

Kheri has insisted on technical approach to mould a winning outfit instead of mixing with some witchcraft beliefs, which he strongly disputed.

Malindi chairman Jaffar Hussein Babu has confirmed the suspension of Kheri until a consensus is reached to resolve the crisis.

Kheri did not join his team when they played Police FC at the Mao Tse Tung Stadium on Thursday in a match that ended in a 1-1 draw.

However, Babu dismissed the juju reports as he was not in the country when the row erupted resulting into suspension of the coach.

Kheri was left behind when Malindi travelled for league assignments in Pemba a fortnight ago.

“I will convene a meeting to sort out why Kheri was left in Unguja when the team travelled to Pemba,” said Babu.

Malindi drew 2-2 with second from bottom of the standings Duma FC on May 9, before crushing to 3-0 goals defeat at the hands of Chipukizi in a match played two days later at the Gombani Stadium.

Babu said Kheri has not been fired and remains as Malindi head coach though the row is yet to be resolved.

“I totally disagree that Malindi officials had a rift with Kheri on juju grounds, probably they just differed on some technicalities,” said Babu.


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