Saturday, August 08, 2009

Love strengthens the union

adam lusekelo

ANTI-Union sentiments have been the fashionable thing to do lately. Politicians, mainly in the Isles, have been venting venom about fears of the survival of the Union. Most have been ranting on and on about the non-existent oil and gas, and in the process emitting as lot of hot air in the already polluted political atmosphere.

But there are other unsung, advocates of the Union. They have been quietly enjoying the strengthening of the Union between Mainland Tanzania and Isles. Step forward Deputy Minister of Health, Dr Aisha Kigoda, MP! While the male politicians in Bongo have been at each other’s throats, she has been pleasurably enjoying the Union.

The other day she openly told Parliament that her paramour is none other than the Minister of State in the Vice-President’s Office, Muhammed Seif Khatib. That’s her guy, she said lovingly. 'Mchiki wake'.

Frankly, I think that is one of the best ways of strengthening the Union. When we have a Union Bunge full of guys and chicks eyeing each other with love and affection there won’t be any problem between the Isles and the Mainland. We could even extend the duration of the Bunge shows. To, you know, solidify and harmonise the things.

And since it seems the government is having hiccups on Union matters, they could be sorted out in Dodoma over passionate week-ends. Men have been busy fighting. Maybe women can change the tide of the present anti-union sentiments. After all, love conquers all.

They say that islanders, all over the world, tend to be insular to outsiders. That can be tamed very pleasurably, without any name-calling by our politicians – inter-marriage. Me, for example. I am not exactly averse to having another wife. What I could do is hit Zenj and immediately change my name.

With Adam Lusekelo, Zenj chicks will immediately know that I am from the Mainland. So, naturally, after listening to their politicians emitting hot air over Zenj and gas and oil, they will be reluctant to, you know, ‘strengthen’ the Union with me.

So I will improve my name to sound more Zenj type. How about Adam Lusekelo Jecha? Or, Ustadh Lusekelo Adam Faki? That will obviously work. The result will be the birth of lovely citizens of the United Republic of Tanzania. I know guys who have already embarked on this process of Tanzanianisation of the Union.

They and their off-spring are doing fabulously. The kids were born in Zenj and now they are in Dar. They are keenly learning how to speak their Kiswahili ‘Ki-Dar is Slaam’. They are happily attending ‘skuli’ and now and then their mom sends them to the ‘marikiti’ to buy stuff.

And, they don’t emit hot air, by ranting on about non-existent oil and gas in God knows where! Lesson: We need more Dr Aisha Kigodas and Mohamed Seif Khatibs. These guys should be given medals. Something like – the Order of the United Republic of Tanzania – First Class.



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