Tuesday, January 01, 2008

King Harald's New Year speech to the nation

Dialogue, the climate changes and the cultural diversity were the main themes of King Harald's traditional speech to the nation on New Year's Eve.

/ np
01.01.2008 07:42

- New Year's Eve gives us the opportunity to stop for a moment and let time rest, the King said. In his opinion, instead of making our life a journey we are about to make it a shortcut to get from cradle to grave, - without reflecting over what we fill our days with.

In his speech the King also touched on old and new meeting places in our society. In olden times it was the corner store or in front of the church. Today we have the mobile phone, Facebook or the chatbox.

- It does not matter what we call it, - but we need the dialogue. It is often after we first have talked to each other that we really see each other, King Harald said, pointing to the fact that he spends much of his time talking to people.

- That is some of the finest and most meaningful parts of all of my royal tasks, he said.

The King also stressed the need for tolerance in our society.

- We are constantly reminded that humanity and mutual respect is not something we can take for granted. Fear of the stranger, racism and violence are all part of our daily news.

- We may establish tolerance by law, but it is in the human mind we find the root of injustice towards those with ideas different from our own. It is also there we must take the fight, the King said.

King Harald also mentioned the climate changes in his speech.

- We can no longer overlook all the signals and warnings. Most likely, human activity has already led to acute climate changes. Now is the time to take on a global responsibility and a common course. (But) we must not lose faith in that it is the individual, who dare to stand up for what he or she believes in, that can change the world.

King Harald ended his speech by sending an extra warm greeting to the Norwegian forces serving on peace-keeping missions several places on the globe.


Rolleiv Solholm

Read full speech in Norwegian: from The Royal Norwegian Palace´s website

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