Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Intelligence chief

wants to recruit

more Muslims

The man who heads Norway's national security agency PST (Politiets sikkerhetstjeneste) needs more knowledge of militant Islamic networks. He wants to employ more Muslims and persons with non-Norwegian background to help fight terrorism.

Jørn Holme, head of the national security agency PST (Politiets sikkerhetstjeneste), thinks Muslims can be a valuable resource for PST.


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Jørn Holme told newspaper Aftenposten on Tuesday that a steadily more complex situation around the threat of terrorism demands the important competence of personnel with multicultural background and insight.

"We shall employ more persons with various ethnic background," Holme said. "No one has better insight into the language and culture than those who have grown up with it."

He said such recruiting won't be carried out because it's "politically correct," but because "we need this knowledge."

The PST, which released its annual evaluation of the terrorism threat facing Norway on Tuesday, currently has around 450 employees, including 50 persons with academic background. Most are based at PST's headquarters in Oslo.

Holme said he wants to diversify staff based in outlying police districts around the country, also to boost local competence levels.

The threat of terrorist acts within Norway, meanwhile, is leading to the closure of a street running through the state government's office complex in downtown Oslo.

Norwegian Broadcasting (NRK) reported Tuesday morning that the street, called Grubbegata, will close to vehicular traffic to reduce the threat of a car bomb attack on government offices.

Aftenposten's reporter
Arild M Jonassen

Aftenposten English Web Desk
Nina Berglund

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