Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Bishop critical of stricter

Norwegian asylum policy

The Bishop of Agder and Telemark, Olav Skjevesland, has strongly criticized the Government's new, stricter asylum policy, saying it is hardly worthy of a Christian nation.


- The Government's tightening measures over against asylum seekers is hardly worthy of a civilized, Christian nation. Children and young people will in particular be affected in an unacceptable way. This is robbing them of dreams and hopes for the future, Bishop Skjevesland writes.

The Bishop says the Church does not want a naive immigration policy, but a decent one.

- Rich Norway must not become a fortress for national self-satisfaction and coldness of heart, Skjevesland writes.

He is very concerned that the asylum seekers should feel secure when arriving in Norway.

- It will be our task to build as secure a framework as possible around the asylum seekers and the reception centers, Bishop Skjevesland writes.

Source: NRK/Norway Post

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