Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Fewer asylum

seekers arriving

The number of new asylum seekers is down by 21 percent from last week, after Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg announced a tighter asylum policy.

Two weeks have passed since Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg and Labour and Social Inclusion Minister Dag Terje Andersen announced policies aimed at reducing the number of asylum seekers coming to Norway.



The first weekly statistics after Stoltenberg’s announcement, show a sharp drop in the number of asylum seekers arriving in Norway.

The Police have registered 341 arrivals, compared to 434 the previous week.

Immigration Police emphasize that it is too early to tell if the lower figure forms part of a long-term trend and is a direct result of the Government’s initiative.

In future leave to stay on humanitarian grounds will be granted only after an examination of each individual case, as opposed to a group evaluation based on a geographical area.

The authorities will send more refugees back to where they first found safe refuge.

Family reunification will only be given to those who have been granted leave to stay on humanitarian grounds, after they have four years of education or work experience in Norway.

Minors over 16 may now be given temporary residency without the right of renewal.

Fingerprinting will be used more extensively in cases where the applicant’s identity may be in doubt.

A fast track procedure for particular groups where there are a high percentage of rejections will be established.

Aftenposten English Web Desk
Sven Goll

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