Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Norway is a safe

economic haven

In the present financial storm, economic analysts describe Norway as a safe haven.

Tougher banking regulations and large reserves in Norway's sovereign fund will allow the public to retain most of its spending power.



"Norway has large savings and we learnt from the bank crisis back in the 1980’s. IWe now have much more stringent bank regulations, than what is currently the case in the United States," says chief economist Tormod Andreassen atSpareBank1.

Chief analyst Erik Bruce atNordea Markets says that Norwegian banks will experience few of the losses which many foreign financial institutions are suffering.

"The most important thing for Norwegian banks is how their loan customers are doing. There are no indications that Norwegian borrowers will encounter particularly great problems in the foreseeable future. However, borrowers will have to expect interest rates on house loans to rise as a result of the international financial crisis," says Bruce to news bureau NTB.

These views are also echoed by Finance Minister Kristin Halvorsen.

"Norway's sovereign global fund gives us room to manoeuvre. Those who know the markets well are not surprised by what is happening. We may take a loss in the short term, but we'll profit in the long run. We just have to keep calm," says Halvorsen.

Aftenposten English Web Desk
Sven Goll

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The bail out.

Hard-pressed American Taxpayers Forced to Bailout Zionist Gangsters Behind 9-11

Adding Insult to Injury:

The current financial crisis in the United States involves some of the very same Zionist criminals and entities that I pointed out in my recent chapter, "The Architecture of Terror: Mapping the Israeli Network Behind 9-11."

Wall Street Crooks

The collapse of their criminal scams on Wall Street could result in more information coming out about the Zionist gangsters behind 9-11. Such outrageous criminal scams cannot be kept hidden for long.
Bush Bails Out This Garbage

The government loan of $85 thousand millions of U.S. taxpayer dollars ($85 billion) to keep afloat Maurice Greenberg's criminal operation, American International Group (A.I.G.), brings into the spotlight one of the key individuals in the Zionist criminal network behind 9-11.

The Devoted Zionist Behind The Bailout

It should come as no surprise that the key person behind this unprecedented government bailout of A.I.G., a huge Zionist criminal operation, is himself a devoted Zionist. Ben Shalom Bernanke, the chairman of the Federal Reserve System, is another Hebrew-speaking scion of the Jewish Theological Seminary of New York City, like Michael Chertoff and Alvin K. Hellerstein.

Just Gutter Jews From The Krakow Ghettos

How can it be that the sons of small group of uneducated Jews from Eastern Europe, who immigrated to the Bronx in the 1900s, now control a nation of 250 million non-Jews? If you were to ask a Zionist Jew from the Jewish Theological Seminary why they control America, they would probably say: "Because we can."

Growing up, Bernanke attended the summer Zionist summer camp (Ramah) of the Jewish Theological Seminary where he was immersed for months in the Zionist ideology of the JTS - in Hebrew.Bernanke earned his doctorate at Massachusetts Institute of Technology where his thesis adviser was Stanley "Stan" Fischer. Fischer, born in Rhodesia, happens to be the current Governor of the Bank of Israel.

The Thieves at AIG

(I am working on an article to explain the massive Zionist criminal enterprise of A.I.G., primarily owned by Maurice Greenberg. A.I.G. is much more than insurance fraud, and there is nothing "golden" about it, except for its Israeli subsidiary's name. Greenberg's criminal enterprise known as A.I.G. is sprawling and even includes a company (ILFC) that leases and finances aircraft for the airlines and secret government missions such as "enforced renditions."

Tied To The Estonia Disaster

One of Greenberg's aircraft, for example, a Gulfstream 4 with tail number N971L, was involved in the abduction of crew members who survived the Estonia catastrophe in September 1994. Greenberg's plane left Stockholm's Arlanda airport with half a dozen "unregistered passengers" and took them to Bangor, Maine, the day after 11 surviving crew members disappeared from Stockholm's Huddinge hospital.)
This is just a fragment of the criminal activity Greenberg's A.I.G. is involved in. As I wrote in one of the latest chapters of Solving 9-11, published in July 2008, Greenberg and A.I.G. are both involved in the 9-11 false flag terror attacks:


Rebuffed in 1987, the Mossad team of Malkin and Shalom didn't give up on Isser Harel's prophecy of 9-11, which meant getting the Port Authority security contract. They simply changed tack and decided to work in a less obvious manner, through dedicated and corrupt American Zionists like Jules Kroll and Maurice Greenberg. Shalom went to work for Kroll, according to the online 9/11 Encyclopedia entry for Maurice "Hank" Greenberg, the CEO of the American International Group (A.I.G.) insurance company…

Greenberg And Kissinger

In 1993, Maurice Greenberg became a partner and co-owner of Jules Kroll's company when A.I.G. bought 23 percent of Kroll. Greenberg is very close to Henry Kissinger, who became chairman of A.I.G.'s International Advisory Board in 1987.

Shaul Eisenberg Of The Mossad

Greenberg was deeply involved in China in the 80s, where Henry Kissinger was one of his representatives, according to the 9-11 Encyclopedia. Through the China trade, Greenberg became close to Shaul Eisenberg, the leader of the Asian section of the Israeli intelligence service Mossad, and agent for the sales of sophisticated military equipment to the Chinese military, it reports. Eisenberg was also the owner of Atwell Security of Tel Aviv...
Kroll Security And The Port Authority

Maurice Greenberg and Jules Kroll are connected to the key players of 9-11 in so many ways that their connections would fill a book. For the purpose of this chapter, however, there are a few key connections that need to be underlined:

1. Maurice Greenberg and Jules Kroll became partners in 1993, the same year Kroll Associates "was chosen over three other companies to advise the Port Authority on a redesign of its security procedures." "We have such confidence in them that I have followed every one of their recommendations," Stanley Brezenoff, the Port Authority executive director, told the New York Times in 1994.

An FBI Agent That Knew Too Much

2. Kroll controlled security at the World Trade Center complex in 2001 and was responsible for hiring John O'Neill, the former chief of counterterrorism for the FBI, who died on 9-11, reportedly his first day on the new job.

Greenberg's Son

3. Greenberg's son, Jeffrey W. Greenberg, became CEO of Marsh & McLennan (MMC) in 1999 and chairman in 2000. The first plane of 9-11 flew directly into the secure computer room of Marsh (Kroll) USA, part of Greenberg's company. Mark Wood, an eyewitness, said: "It looked like a mid-sized executive jet and the way it turned suggested it was being aimed deliberately at a target."

There is much more information about Maurice Greenberg's ties to 9-11 in "The Architecture of Terror: Mapping the Israeli Network Behind 9-11."

-Christopher Bollyn

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