Wednesday, September 03, 2008

The high cost of more

asylum seekers –

NOK 6.4 billion a year

If the high influx of asylum seekers to Norway continues, it may cost the state NOK 6.4 billion a year, a bill that creates problems for the government's work on a budget for next year.

Latest prognoses show that 15,000 persons will apply for asylum in Norway this year. This is nearly three times as many as estimated in the national budget.

The increased costs will give the red/green three party coalition government far less freedom of action, analysts say.

The State covers the cost of asylum centers, paper work and processing, Norwegian lessons and subsidies and grants for a five-year period to municipalities who settle asylum seekers. Official figures put the costs per head to NOK 425,000.

NOK 6.4 billion is equal to the cost of keeping 75,000 children in municipal day care or 10,000 elderly in nursing homes, according to NRK.

Source: Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK)/ Norway Post

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