The Point
of Peace
The second day, on September 11th will deal with the terror attack on New York in 2001:
”9/11 and then what?” is the question raised by the participants.
The following Nobel Peace Prize laureates will be attending :
- Mairead Corrigan Maguire (Nobel laureate 1977)
- Kim Dae Jung (2000)
- Jonathan Granoff, International Peace Bureau (1910)
- Mary Ellen McNish, American Friends Service Committee (1947)
- Dr. Ime A. John, International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (1985)
- Rajendra Pachauri, IPPC (2007)
Among other participants are Norway's Jan Egeland, Bob Geldof, Frederic Hauge of Bellona and representatives from the business world and international media.
The third and final day will focus on the role of the media and young people. Does the media make things worse, or can it contribute to finding new solutions? How can young people and the public in general contribute to change?
Point of Peace is a human rights and media organization which supports Nobel Peace Laureates with means of communication, both in their homelands and internationally. Point of Peace is based in Stavanger, Norway.
Point of Peace states that it support processes of democratization and peace in young democracies. Point of Peace contributes to the creation of arenas for inter-cultural dialogue between groups and nations. Point of Peace’ vision is to give a voice to those who haven’t been heard.
(Press release)
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