Africa has to rise up
THE year 2008 has ended with the Zimbabwe political crisis remaining unresolved. The political quagmire in that southern Africa nation has generated diverse reactions from the international community. What is not debatable, however, and should not be further politicized is the critical condition of that nation’s socio-economic and political life, now burdened with the cholera outbreak which has killed an estimated 1,600 people.
Some political analysts have pointed an accusing finger to the West for what they see as its interference in the internal affairs of Zimbabwe, particularly its perceived partisanship in the wake of the government’s land redistribution reforms aimed to favour the blacks.
Other analysts have put the blame squarely on President Robert Mugabe, under whose rule his country has witnessed a blatant abuse of power and human rights. They say Mugabe and his government have only ended up plunging the country into a deep crisis with the poor bearing the brunt.
The octogenarian leader has the unfortunate record of taking his country to enviable heights and in a twist presiding over its descent into despondency and corporate failure, they say.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Zimbabwe has the shortest life expectancy of 37 years for men and 34 years for women; and at 25 per cent, the one with the highest percentage of orphans in the world. Inflation is now running into trillions.
Africa must not allow this sad situation to go on unchecked since it is directly related to the nation’s turbulent political run.
The country came close to peace when opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai of the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) won the first round of voting in the last presidential election but refused to take part in the run-off for alleged intimidation. He later accepted the power-sharing deal negotiated by former South African President Thabo Mbeki.
The good chance for peace has been squandered as the anti- Mugabe elements constantly accuse the country’s strongman of insincerity in executing the spirit and letter of the reconciliation pact.
It is, indeed, sad that Mugabe himself has not done much to allay the fears about his design to perpetuate his tenure. Instead he has declared with an air of authority that ’’Zimbabwe is mine!’’
That is a bad categorical statement from a man who claims to have waged a guerrilla war to emancipate his people.
At 84 years of age and having ruled his country for almost three decades, Mugabe cannot claim monopoly of wisdom in the leadership of Zimbabwe. The country cannot survive under the shadow of Mugabe’s past honours. He needs to relinquish power now.
As we respect the sovereignty of other nations and their right to self-determination, no ruler has the right to mismanage his country’s chances of recovery and expect the rest of the world to fold its arms.
Zimbabwe’s ugly political and economic situation and the poor conditions of its citizens transcend narrow and sentimental considerations. The human family should save it from total collapse.
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