Tuesday, December 01, 2009

University of Oslo (UiO)

Summer School 2010

Apply now!

Six Weeks of Academic Achievement and International Goodwill

The International Summer School (ISS) is an academic center for learning in an international context, and a forum for fostering intercultural understanding. Every summer from late June to early August the ISS welcomes some 500 students from all over the world to its wide variety of graduate and undergraduate courses, mostly within the liberal arts and social sciences.

Admission requirements

Admission to the International Summer School follow the general admission requirements to higher education in Norway. Participating in undergraduate courses at the ISS requires that the applicant meets these requirements. The general admission requirements can be divided in (a) academic requirements and (b) language requirements.

Open HERE for more deatils on Admission requirements

Application procedures

1. Request Application Form http://www.uio.no/iss/admission/request.html

2. Deadlines http://www.uio.no/iss/admission/deadlines.html

3. Application Procedures http://www.uio.no/iss/admission/application.html

4. Guide to complete application Form http://www.uio.no/iss/admission/application.html#appfou

Fees and Financial Aid (Scholarships)

1. Scholarship Information http://www.uio.no/iss/financial/fin_aid.html

List of Courses ISS 2010

1. Graduate Courses http://www.uio.no/iss/academics/list_courses.html#gra_cou

2 Undergraduate Courses http://www.uio.no/iss/academics/list_courses.html#und_cou


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