As the Richmond scandal goes on
Adam Lusekelo
Dar es Salaam.
Dar es Salaam.
REALLY the people of Tanzania are beyond outrage. We have been fed with so much bullcrap that we have stopped reacting. We must be masochists really people who enjoy to be given pain.
I didn’t know that the Richmond con-men have been in the game for quite awhile. Back in 1995 they were given a contract to build a Dar-Mwanza pipeline, they goofed sensationally.
It seems some elements within the government were very impressed by this failure on the part of Richmond. Those elements in government decided to reward Richmond with another contract. This time it was a 100KW plant. The deal was to cost 172.9bn/-.
Most of Tanzania was being plunged in darkness. This did not bother some elements. They have their private generators anyway. So they awarded the power deal to Richmond. Again!
Richmond did not disappoint anyone. They failed hugely to deliver. Again! The company should go into publishing. Write a book entitled ’How to goof in Tanzania and literary get away with murder.’ That definitely will be a best seller.
You wonder what next? Anything! Some elements in government might give Richmond a contract to teach lions of Ngorongoro how to fly helicopters. It could be worth a couple of billions of shillings.
Don’t laugh! We already have experts from Thailand who are in the Usangu Valley in Mbeya Region, teaching natives how to make rain. The present rains might be the work of the Thai rain-makers.
The most irksome thing is seeing the media slavishly parroting any trash being yelled from different hill tops by the biggies. We are eagerly waiting for the parliamentary select committee to check-out the scandal.
One would sincerely hope that there would be some punishment after we really know what happened. But then this is a lavish pipe dream. Punishment in Bongo is for the weak and poor! You might hear the culprits have been rewarded with heavy promotions.
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