Friday, August 14, 2009

Prophet Mohammed drawing,

now a commercial success

Considered blasphemous by Muslims, one of the Jyllands-Posten Mohammed cartoons is a hit with collectors Kurt Westergaard’s controversial drawing of Islamic prophet Mohammed with a bomb in his turban is proving to be big business for printers, art galleries and...

Kurt Westergaard’s controversial drawing of Islamic prophet Mohammed with a bomb in his turban is proving to be big business for printers, art galleries and – not least – Westergaard himself.

Skanderborg’s Galleri Draupner, which is currently exhibiting all of Jyllands-Posten newspaper’s original drawings, indicated it has sold numerous autographed prints of Westergaard’s illustration.

The Jyllands-Posten Mohammed drawings were first printed in September 2005. The move touched off numerous violent protests worldwide from offended Muslims and resulted in extensive damage to several Danish embassies.

Source: The Copenhagen Post.

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