Friday, August 07, 2009

Record number of asylum seekers

to Norway

So far this year 9900 asylum seekers have arrived in Norway, an increase by 45 per cent compared with the same period last year, indicating that 2009 could be a new record year for asylum seekers.

Last year, around 14.400 asylum seekers arrived in Norway, nearly double the number from the year before, Aftenposten reports.

Of the 9.900 arrived so far, 5.700 come from Afghanistan, Eritrea, Somalia og Iraq. 1.417 personer claim to be minors. More than 1000 of these come from Afghanistan.

Of the applications processed so far, around 40 per cent have been granted asylum, or granted stay in Norway on humanitarian grounds or other forms of protection in Norway, according to fresh figures from the Immigration Directorate.

Source: NRK/Norway Post

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