The Bell Curve
na uzezeta wa Waafrika!
Huyo jamaa yenu huko Norway, hajaandika kitu kipya sana. Alichofanya kwa mtizamo wangu, ni kutafiti kidogo kwa ufinyu wa akili yake kwa kuiga kilichofanyika mwaka 1994. Mwaka huo, mwanasaikolojia wa Harvard, Richard J. Herrstein na mwanasayansio jamii, Charles Murray wa American Enterprises Institute, waliandika kitabu cha kurasa 941, al-maaruf kwa jina la The Bell Curve. Walijaribu kuwachambua kama karanga na kuwapanga kama dagaa, watu wa rangi mbalimbali waishio Marekani kwa vigezo kama mapato, ufanisi wa kazi, utowaji wa mimba zisizotakiwa, kiwango cha elimu na kadhalika, vigezo vyote hivi viliwaweka watu wenye asili ya Afrika, mwisho ya orodha ya binadamu wanaotumia akili.
The Bell Curve kilileta mtafaruku kilipotolewa:
Mwanaanthropolojia, Michael Nunley wa Chuo Kikuu Oklahoma aliandika hivi:
“I believe this book is a fraud, that its authors must have known it was a fraud when they were writing it, and that Charles Murray must still know it's a fraud as he goes around defending it....After careful reading, I cannot believe its authors were not acutely aware of they were distorting the material they did include.”
Profesa Leon Kamin, mpinzani mkuu wa kupima uwezo wa akili wa binadamu aliandika hivi: "a disservice to and abuse of science."
Mwanasaikolojia Howard Gardner, wa Harvard Graduate School of Education, aliandika kuwa The Curve n: "scholarly brinkmanship":
Mwandishi makala, Bob Herbert, akiandika kwenye The New York Times: "a scabrous piece of racial pornography masquerading as serious scholarship." "Mr. Murray can protest all he wants,"
“When European immigrant groups in the United States scored below the national average on mental tests, they scored lowest on the abstract parts of those tests. So did white mountaineer children in the United States tested back in the early 1930s... Strangely, Herrnstein and Murray refer to "folklore" that "Jews and other immigrant groups were thought to be below average in intelligence." It was neither folklore nor anything as subjective as thoughts. It was based on hard data, as hard as any data in The Bell Curve. These groups repeatedly tested below average on the mental tests of the World War I era, both in the army and in civilian life. For Jews, it is clear that later tests showed radically different results—during an era when there was very little intermarriage to change the genetic makeup of American Jews…”
Wanayasansi wa fani mbalimbali waliandika kitabu cha kupinga “The Bell Curve” wakakipa jina “The Bell Curve Debate”. Hiki kilichapwa 1995, kikiwa na kurasa 720. Kina makala 81 na waandishi 81 waliochangia, wakiwemo: K. Anthony Appiah, Gregg Easterbrook, Howard Gardner, Eugene D. Genovese, Nathan Glazer, Stephen Jay Gould, Bob Herbert, Christopher Hitchens, Irving Louis Horowitz, Arthur Jensen, Leon J. Kamin, Charles Lane, Glenn C. Loury, Nell Irvin Painter, Hugh Pearson, Adolph Reed Jr.,Carl Rowan, Alan Ryan, Brent Staples, Ellen Willis, na Christopher Winship.
Huyo jamaa yenu huko Norway, anajaribu kujitafutia umaarufu tu…hana lolote wala chochote. Wala msihangaike naye, mwacheni kama alivyo. Wiki tu watu watamsahau! Msije mkafanya hasira za mkizi, mkafanya mambo, baadaye mkayajutia. Halafu huyo jamaa na wote wenye msimamo kama huyo jamaa wakasema:
“Si mnaona….kama tulivyosema, hawa watu kama masokwe tu! Halafu mnasema eti sisi wabaguzi!!!”
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