Monday, July 06, 2009

Electronic home voting next

The Minister of Local Government, Magnhild Meltveit Kleppa

The Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development is now working on a plan to test the possibility for allowing Norwegians to cast their vote from the home PC at the municipal elections in 2011.

The Minister of Local Government, Magnhild Meltveit Kleppa, is eager to introduce reforms which will increase the interest for elections and for voter participation.

She says to NRK that the planned test will be carried out in a selected number of municipalities in two years. However, she says security will be given highest priority, to protect the system of secret balloting.

Three working groups will now participate in the preparations for the tests, one with representatives from the largest political parties, one with data experts and one with political analysts.

However, of people in the street, interviewed by NRK TV on Sunday, many said they would not want to miss the experience of lining up at the voting booths on election day!

Source: NRK/Norway Post.

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