Saturday, April 03, 2010

Lil Wayne writes first letter to fans from jail

lil-wayneImage Credit: Jonathan MannionLil Wayne will be a free man in approximately 215 days and 10 hours, according to the countdown ticker on the new siteWeezyThanxYou. Wayne plans to check in once a week from his Rikers Island cell block via the site to tell fans how he’s holding up. Today he posted his first entry, aptly titled “Gone ’til November…
“I’m in good spirits man,” Wayne writes. “For real.” He stresses that even though he’s stuck in prison, “My love and my spirit, however, know no boundaries.”
The message is surprisingly well written. In comparison to his poetic, but poorly spelled Twitter notes from his liltunechi account, Wayne appears clearheaded. Guess we can attribute that to the lack of weed to smoke or alcohol to sip in the bing?
Wayne says he lifts weights and reads the Bible during his spare time.  “Jail didn’t make me find God,” he writes. “He’s always been there.”
He also replies to three letters he received during his first month at Rikers, even asking for one fan’s book recommendations.
“The same way yall miss me, I miss yall, only 100 times more,” he writes in conclusion. “To those who hate. Hate is only a form love that hasn’t found a way to express itself logically. Keep sending the letters and I promise keep responding. Thank YOU, thank YOU, thank YOU. No matter what they do to erase me, my love for you will always be permanent. Remember that. Take care. God bless.”
Miss Lil Wayne yet? Do you think he’ll come back a better man? Let us know below.
Source: Music Mix

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