Saturday, April 03, 2010

Eryikah Badu apigwa faini ya Dala 500,-

Mwanamziki Erykah Badu amepigwa faini ya Dala 500,- baada ya kupiga kideo cha wimbo wa “Window Seat” tarehe 17 Machi 2010 huku akivua nguo moja baada ya ngingine mpaka akabaki uchi wa mnyama. Taarifa rasmi ya polisi wa Dallas inasomeka hivi:

“The City Attorney’s Office and the Dallas Police Department have decided to charge the entertainer known as Erika [sic] Badu with Disorderly Conduct. After much discussion, it has been determined that this charge best fits her conduct when she disrobed in a public place without disregard to other individuals and children who were in close proximity. Disorderly Conduct is a class C misdemeanor which means Ms. Badu will be subject to a fine up to $500.00. The At-Large-Citation will be mailed to Ms. Badu in the near future. It will be up to her as to how she wants to proceed further with this case. She can contest it in a court of law or simply pay the fine.”

“The delay in issuing the citation was due to the lack of witnesses, who were at the scene, who were willing to come forward and file a formal complaint with the police department. One witness did come forward yesterday, thus leading to the charges filed today.”

Chanzo: Music Mix

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Muumba kaumba kwa ufundi wa hali ya juu, lakini kichwani hakuna kitu.
Mungu atamsamehe.